Hello fellow campers; As you've probably figured out by now, this archive contains a small assortment of IFF images that I have developed for use in LightWave (or any other 3D package that takes advantage of image mapping) to produce a variety of surface effects. I have constructed these images to be linear redundant on all four sides to provide seamless continuity when tiled across a surface. In addition, none of the images were constructed using the popular (but tell-tale) copy/flip/paste method, which does indeed create a redundant image, however the resulting quadrature symmetry reduces the appearance of the image to that of a cheap, kaleidoscopic screen saver (similar to those found in abundance on IBM systems...) Granted, nothing is perfect, and one or more of these images may have to be tweaked to your specifications, but the majority of the gruntwork has already been done. All of the images are 4 bit grayscale IFF images (I have found that I seldom need 8 or 24 bit images for elevation mapping), and they also serve for reflection, transparency, diffusion, and sometimes, image mapping as well. You may want to recolor them for the latter. LightWave's ability to perform antialiasing and pixel-blending on IFF images hides a multitude of sins, so to speak... So now, on with the camp rules.... For you first-timers, we'd like to share just a few helpful hints to make this one of the most enjoyable vacations you've had in a long time. # 1. Please DON'T FEED the natives. Extraterrestrial foodstuffs have EXTREMELY ADVERSE effects on them. Nothing will spoil your vacation faster than having to witness the gastrointestinal upheaval of some otherwise pathetically adorable, oxygen dependent carbon-based creature. And the smell? Don't ask.... # 2. Pick up after yourself. What you may believe to be useless garbage could drastically alter the technological future of this quaint and primitive little hideaway. We won't even go into the long-term consequences of DNA/RNA third generation mutagenesis contamination theories. # 3. Only APPROVED souvenirs may be shipped back to your point of origin. ABSOLUTELY NO SENTIENT LIFEFORMS EXCEEDING A DOUBLE DIGIT IQ or ANY STRUCTURES (NATURAL OR ARTIFICIAL CONSTRUCTION) IN EXCESS OF 6X THE LOCAL GRAVITY CONSIGNMENT will be allowed under any circumstances. # 4. NO BITING...and we mean it! # 5. Use of any device employing harmonic resonance disruption is strictly prohibited. If you do mistakenly compromise the cellular structure of a native, please alert one of the NMR (Nuclear Magnetic Restructuring) officers IMMEDIATELY!!! It may be good for a quick laugh, but these humans spoil rather quickly. # 6. Don't drink the water. It is a well know fact that the local contingent are often seen urinating into it. # 7. If you must mix with the indigenous population, please remember that the most popular form of intoxication is alcohol, an AMBIDEXTROUS molecule, so please use caution and common sense when imbibing. And please pay in local currency, since GALACTACHARGE and VEGA cards ARE NOT ACCEPTED here, regardless of what their commercials claim. Well, that's about all there is to it. The northern areas are rather arctic and barren, but there are plenty of trees and humidity around the equator, for those of you who are so inclined. For those craving high doses of radiation, check out the large, sandy areas on the bigger continents. Have fun, and be sure to tell your friends.... ---------------Tips From Your Tour Guide------------------- A popular pastime for returning visitors is the annual low-orbit flyby over the NASA tracking station located in Houston, Texas. Then we're off to Ozone, Arkansas, where we'll track down some late-night, "likkered-up" knee-jerk geeks (complete with a dilapidated, petroleum burning, internal combustion engine heap) and terrorize them with colored flashlights and clever "beep-beep" noises while the first-class passengers put on those halarious big-bug eye helmets and impregnate their women folk.... What a party...... M E R R Y C H R I S T M A S R. McVey (Yes, I am trying to get the new icons out before 1993...Sheesh)